11 Non-Muslims From One District Top Madarsa Board Exam, Everyone Aghast
By Noorul Huda Misbahi
The appearance of 11 non-Muslim students from one single district as toppers in the results of Madarsa Taleemi Board, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow, has left everyone aghast. Every madarsa student is desperate to find out about and enrol in the institution that has trained and polished the skills of these 11 students and made them achieve high grades.
Madarsa teachers are stunned too for they have been working hard to prepare their students in religious and contemporary education but when the result came it showed the names of students as toppers who have never attended any madarsa. Demands are being made that the examination copies of these students be put for public display as models so that all of the students can see and learn from the skills of these students.
Four scholars have sent a letter, through registered post, to the Chief Minister, Director and Registrar urging them to put the examination copies of these students for public display. They have also demanded to reveal the name of the institution that these students have attended.
Maulana Fayyaz Ahmad Misbahi, Mufti of the City Maulana Yas Misbahi, Maulana Saleem Amjadi and several other scholars say that there is definitely some sinister element in it. [In a joint letter] They said that this is impossible for Mukul, Deepak Varma, Diksha, Rahul, Raveena Choudhry, Gorav, Sanoj, Prince, Shiamlal, Hansjraj, Sani etc, all from Meerut District, to top in whole of the district in Munshi and Fazil examinations. They also said that even the students who prepare from eight to ten years start sweating after seeing examination papers but the manner in which those who have not even seen a madarsa are being declared as toppers, is just mind-boggling. They said, ‘If these non-Muslim brothers of ours are leaving religious scholars so far behind, we would love to have the privilege of seeing their faces. This has become a very sensitive matter.’
Abbas Mazhari writes, ‘Some so called scholars and corrupt and venal managers who have sold their souls are hell-bent on defaming the madrasas. A few years ago news had come that one Mishraji was working as Sheikhul Hadees [the most senior teacher and an expert in Hadees literature] in Baghpat in western UP. If these guys get appointed in madarsas through such fraudulent methods, then God help us. After buying degrees these unqualified lot will come at the helm of affairs of madrasas.’
According to the rules laid down by Madarsa Board, students must be allowed to fill up forms and apply for admission for admissions only in the classes that they are eligible for. But, sadly, some greedy maulvis who do not hesitate in stooping to any level for money, are enrolling and awarding high marks to undeserving and illegible students.
If they are not getting enough number of students this doesn’t mean they should award Alim, Fazil and Kamil degrees to those who are unable to write their names in Urdu. Let it be clear that if this practice persists, the day is not far when the degree holders from this Board will be facing the situation in which graduates of an Urdu institution have already been pushed. The candidates appearing for the exam of the Urdu institution used to bring copies to their homes and write their answers. But the degree holders from this institution who have the ability to become full-fledged teachers are facing the humiliation of knocking the doors of law courts.
[In a joint statement] Maulana Sajid Ali Misbahi, Maulana Mohammad Jaish Amjadi, Maulana Manzar Hussain, Syed Sirajuddin, Tariq Raza, Maulana Mohammad Zafaruddin Barakati and Maulana Saddam Barakati have demanded an investigation about the results of these toppers. ‘This disappoints and frustrates hardworking teachers. For God’s, please protect the good name of madarsas from being defamed.’ They have also said that if their demand is not accepted they may have to resort to organising protests.
Translated by Urdu Media Monitor from Rashtriya Sahara, 3 July, 2020
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