
A Heart-Rending and Soul-Searching Incident of Apostasy

By Mufti Yasir Nadeem Al Wajidi

A while ago I had a chat on phone with my friend Mufti Raees Ahmad Qasmi from Dehradun.

He has narrated a heart-rending news from his own mohalla. A girl from a well-to-do Muslim family has eloped with a Hindu boy from Bhangi (sweeper) community. Mufti Saheb managed to get the administration find the girl after a day and a half. After parents’ pleading and much imploring the girl consented to talk to Mufti Saheb. For at least two and half hours Mufti Saheb tried to educate the girl about Islam and the life hereafter. But as soon as she was presented before the judge she announced her decision to go with the Hindu boy and also declared her conversion to Hinduism.

According to Mufti Saheb, after this the embarrassed family members and relatives of the girl immediately and quietly left the court room.

Mufti Saheb says that he knows at least 15 girls from Muslim families in the town who have gone with boys from the Bhangi community while the number of girls who have eloped with other Hindu boys in Dehradun is much higher.

Mufti Saheb says that he knows at least 15 girls from Muslim families in the town who have gone with boys from the Bhangi community while the number of girls who have eloped with other Hindu boys in Dehradun is much higher.

No one is responsible for such cases of apostasies more than us and our ulema themselves who have founded institutions for those who come to them to learn Islam but what about rest of the 97%  young boys and girls who do not go to any madarsas?

Starting from our own mohallas we will have to take urgent measures all over the country. In this regard following steps will need to be taken:

Instead of sectarian interpretations and the issues of beard and purdah, focus should be on the basics of Islam i.e. fear for Allah and love for His Prophet

  • Ulema should form teams of about 20-25 youths, identify school and college going young boys and girls and keep in contact with them through social media;
  • MashaAllah many girls only madarsas have cropped up. Those who have graduated from these madarsas will now have to come forward and become active by connecting themselves with other young girls for their training;
  • Instead of Urdu, Hindi should be the medium of communication so that they can understand the message with ease;
  • Instead of sectarian interpretations and the issues of beard and purdah, focus should be on the basics of Islam i.e. fear for Allah and love for His Prophet;
  • Have discussions with these boys and girls and try to understand their culture and trends of thoughts. Do not, at any cost, regard yourselves the police of Amr bil-Ma’roof wa-nahi anil-munkar” (the police for the promotion of good and stop evil). These youngsters need encouragement and consolation.

Surely do adopt other means and methods that you think are suitable to spread the message. For the sake of Allah, do not sit idle and wait for a call from Milli organisations. If each A’lim-i-Deen works on 15 – 20 youths, then millat’s faith may be protected. Otherwise not only will we face humiliation in this world but on the day of Judgment these very people will make you answerable to Allah SWT for neglecting them here now.

May Allah SWT protect the Muslims from apostasy.

Translated by Urdu Media Monitor from Mufti Yasir Nadeem Al Wajidi’s Facebook.

5 thoughts on “A Heart-Rending and Soul-Searching Incident of Apostasy

  • syed faraz

    So saddening to hear t state of muslim ummah

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  • I think the real problem is someone converts to Islam by their own choice, we celebrate; and when someone converts from Islam to another religion, we call it apostasy!

    We should remember that the choice of the individual is more important.

    • Urdu Media Monitor

      The message of the article is very clear: These youngsters are doing so out of ignorance and this is what is being regretted here.

    • Dr. Mirza Arshad Ali Beg

      No Sir, Once you are in Islam you have to remain a Muslim by words and deeds. We are left with no choice.
      This is what is required of the practicing Muslims. But how many of us are practicing Muslims? Only the few olden lot. The message for every body else is to revert to Islam; Start reading and understanding the Glorious Quran; Start going to the Masajid. Ask and prepare your youth to say NO to Munafaquat. Ask for Allah’s mercy and forgiveness by the core of your heart or else we are all doomed.

      The difficulty is that the Legacy of Islam was not meaningfully passed on from generation to generation while the youth was finding it difficult to maintain his identity as a Muslim in the largely permissive society in India.

      Dr. Mirza Arshad Ali Beg
      Former Director General PCSIR, Karachi, Pakistan


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