Only Allah Can Reward Those Who Have Helped Us: Talbighi Jamaat’s Foreign Workers
Markaz Nizamuddin, Delhi
Saharanpur (Staff reporter): Having been honourably exonerated after one month quarantine and almost one month jail, 57 workers of Tablighi Jamaat from 10 different countries, have taken a great sigh of relief. At the same time they are not getting tired of thanking their local benefactors.

Belonging to ten different countries all of them have only one sentence on their tongues: Only Allah can reward those who have helped us, not only in our release but in every possible manner. Inquilab correspondent talked to them with the help of an interpreter.
The Ameer of Saudi Tablighi Jamaat [delegation], Sheikh Abudur Rehman belongs to Mecca and is a descendent from Holy Prophet’sﷺ family. Thanking the local Member of Parliament, Haji Fazlur Rehman, his son-in-law Mohammad Ausaf Guddu and his team he said, ‘These gentlemen helped us at a time when we were trapped from all sides.’
[Commenting on the difficulties faced by them] He said, ‘When you depart to go in the path of Allah difficulties are bound to come in your way. But those who come to forward to help such people have great importance.’
He added, ‘From my childhood I have been hearing a Hadith in which the Holy Prophetﷺ said, “The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.” But I have witnessed this Hadith in action here when the locals helped us.’
He further said, ‘The manner in which Haji Fazlur Rehman and his son-in-law have helped us, the stranded foreigners, and the extraordinary service they have done to us and got us released, only Allah can reward them for this. I pray to Allah SWT that on the Day of Judgement they are rewarded by being offered the special drink from Kausar by the Prophetﷺ himself.’
When asked if he had any message for the Indian Muslims, he said, ‘Be united in whatever you do. If you remain united, you will succeed, as the Qur’an has prophesied. Help the needy with sincerity and do not expect any return from people. Refraining from showing-off is extremely vital. Those who help humankind to show off will have no reward from Allah.’
The Ameer of Kirghistan Tablighi [delegation], Arkan Beg, said that the embassy of his own country had given him no help while Mohammad Ausaf (alias Guddu) and Maulana Abdul Malik had been providing assistance from day one. He said that it was after three months that they had eaten meat in the Imperial Resort while, ‘In Kirghistan if we do not get meat to eat for two days we feel very unsatisfied.’
He added, ‘On behalf of the people of Kighirstan I thank the local member of parliament Haji Fazlur Rehman.’ He also said that at times Mohammad Ausaf went to see them in jail three or four times in a day.
Similar views were echoed by the Ameers of Sudani delegation, Abu Zaid Ali; Malaysian delegation, Mohammad Hakim; Syrian delegation Mohammad Mustafa and Jerusalem delegation Mansoor Islam. They also said that had they not been helped by these people they wondered what would have happened to them. They stressed that the help provided to them by the locals was far greater than any assistance provided by their own embassies.
Translated by Urdu Media Monitor from Daily Inquilab, 14 June 2020