Graveyard’s Land Handed to Wakf Board
On the Directives of Public Grievance Cell, Delhi Police Evicts Illegal Occupiers
New Delhi, SNB: Yesterday was a happy day in the history of Delhi Wakf Board of recent years when after a long time any of its properties was freed from illegal occupiers and handed back to it. Although for this the credit goes to the important role of a local resident who had been struggling to free the graveyard from the illegal occupiers for a long time.

Following the hearing of Nisar Ahmad’s grievance and on the directives of Public Grievance Cell police ended all the existing occupations in the graveyard in Kachcha Tihar Village and handed it back to Wakf Board.
Near Janakpuri there is an old graveyard, Registration No 1575, spanning in an area of 21 bigah and five biswa [one bigah = 968 yds; one biswa = 125 square metres]. Most of it had been occupied by illegal occupiers and burials had been stopped there since 1975. Some multi-storey Buildings had been built on the land of the graveyard and were rented out.
A local resident Nisar Ahmad filed a complaint with Public Grievance Cell praying for the evacuation of illegal occupiers. After hearing the complaint and investigating the issue Public Grievance Cell instructed Delhi police to get the occupations ended and hand over the land back to Delhi Wakf Board. In compliance to the directives three days ago police gave an ultimatum to the occupiers to evacuate the land. Those who did not evacuate themselves were ejected by force yesterday and buildings, consisting multi-storeys, were demolished. The operation continued until night and the land was at last given in Wakf Board’s custody.
Representing the Board CLO Muhammad Qaseem was present there. Wakf Boar’s JE Haidar Ali said, ‘After getting the possession of the land work has been started to level the ground. Once the debris has been cleared and the land has been cleaned a boundary wall will be built around it.’ Asked when burials will be allowed there, he said, ‘a decision will be made very soon.’
Determination and efforts of Nisar Ahmad who, despite all the oppositions, played an important role in getting the land evacuated and his mission completed, are being praised by everyone.
Translated from Rashtriya Sahara, 19 March 2015 by Urdu Media Moninor.Com
Hi, I am Ajmal Khan from Pakistan. My great forefathers one of them was Chaudhary Hukmi Khan and Ch. Fateh Muhammad was buried at this place in Tihar Village. These belong to the Tyagi Family of Tihar, who established and controlled Tihar Village before the partition. Glad to read that this land was given to its rightful owners.