Misleading reports by Hindi media causes restlessness among Muslims
Muzaffarnagar tense again. Latest violence is the result of complicity between police and the miscreants
By Shahnawaz Badar Qasmi
Source Jadid Khabar , 2 November 2013

Muzaffarnagar, 1 November: After remaining calm for a few days situation in Muzaffarnagar has once again become tense. Following the deaths of three innocent Muslim youths in Hussainpur Kalan village, Uttar Pradesh Government has again handed over the region to its police. Revelations of complicity between miscreants and the PAC personnel have caused strong resentment and unease among the Muslim community. In view of the tense atmosphere UP’s Police Commissioner Devraj Nagar has taken strict security measures, ordered flag march and deployed police force to control deterioration in the situation any further.
After the post-mortems of the three youths, Amroz Ali, Maharban and Ajmal, villagers of Hussainpur Kalan of Budhana region protested for six hours along with their dead bodies. They demanded compensation of Rs.25 lakh each for the families of those deceased and harsh action against the culprits with the warning that if the accused were not held within a week, a Muslim Maha Panchayat (grand meeting of Muslims) will be held in the village. These incidents have made the whole region very tense and residents have been left confined in their homes.
Muslims are particularly upset by the misleading reports carried by the Hindi media and an Urdu newspaper. These reports gave the impression that the three youths who lost their lives were trouble makers while facts are just the opposite.
The role of most of the Hindi newspapers on Muzaffarnagar riots has remained very negative from the very beginning. In every case they always want to show that it is the Muslims who are the wrongdoers. According to the sources these newspapers have succeeded in their campaign because whenever the police prepares any report it always refers to the stories carried by the Hindi media. This situation has increased threat to the Muslim community. There is a general feeling among Muslims that a large number of police personnel have Sanghi (pro-Hindutva) mindset that is manifest in their performance whenever they get the opportunity to do so. It is because of this mindset that the situation is still out of control. Toothless orders issued by the Government have no effect on them and they damned care about anything. Had the police discharged its duties honestly situation would not have gone as bad. Expecting improvements in the situation will be useless until and unless the police and intelligence agencies are sanitised.
It should be remembered that at least 80 persons were killed in last month’s riots in Muzaffarnagar and Shamli and more than 50,000 Muslims were made homeless who have been forced to live under pathetic conditions in relief camps.
The Samajwadi Government of Uttar Pradesh appears helpless in reining in the trouble makers. If the situation is allowed to continue like this it would be premature to say anything about peace and predict law and order situation in future. It is not a communal riot anymore because it has turned into a political riot and Modi and his goons are trying to cash it in the forthcoming parliamentary elections. Therefore until Lok Sabha elections are not held situation cannot be expected to improve.
According to Inquilab of 2 November 2013
Five sugarcane fields belonging to Muslim farmers have been burnt.
Recent wave of violence has been engineered to deter and prevent Muslims from returning to their homes.
Jats of Rai Singh village of Muzaffarnagar do not want Muslims to return to their villages and take up the possession of their lands. Despite administration’s best efforts Jats have been continuously threatening the Muslims. The burning of sugarcane crops was part of their campaign of intimidation.
Following the violence and fleeing of Muslims from their homes Jats had occupied their lands and do not want to leave possessions.