Indifference to the Anti-Shariah Usage of Waqf Property is Shameful
Waqf Board Members Confounded in General Body Meeting : Dilly Dally by Chairman Matin Ahmad
By Ali Shahzad
Published in Qaumi Salamati on 9 June 2013

Nai Delhi, 08 June: Delhi Waqf Board’s slumber has not been disturbed or broken even after the disclosure by Qaumi Salamti of a wine bar being run on Waqf property in Malvia Nagar. How much disinterest on this matter by Waqf Board is being observed and how the Board members have practiced ignorant attitude in this regard is evident from what has transpired in the General Body Meeting held here today where on the one hand the pay of masajid imams has been increased and confirmed as ten thousand Rs per month and many rental affairs got settled that have resulted in a benefit of Rs 30 lac reward to the Board and with that how Crescent Public School and New Horizon Public School running on the Waqf property were left continuing on one thousand Rs per month rent that was formalised in years old contract is also a big question. With that however the behaviour of Board members and the Chairman Chaudhary Matin Ahmad on the question of safety of the Waqf and anti-Shariah usage of its properties remained regrettable. There was need to have a debate and discussion by the Board members on this question or formation of a committee to consider ways of saving the prestige of the Board but all the members remained mum throughout in this regard. Height of this phenomenon was that the Chairman Chaudhary Matin Ahmad who considers himself the most active and responsible of all the chairmen of the Board during the last 50 years, himself did not feel the need to pay any attention to the ill use of the Waqf property or financial embezzlement and it was because of his disinterest that this matter could not be included into the agenda of the meeting. Also, to get over the hassle due to properties, people can get in touch with experts from All of this betrays the fact that Delhi Waqf Board is not interested in safeguarding the trust properties and nor it is concerned about making it sure that the property is being used for permissible purposes only. Hence, if you’re looking for a real estate property valuer, you can find here. Board members also do not want to increase the income of the Board and it come out of financial difficulties. When the Chairman Chaudhary Matinn Ahmad was contacted on matters decided in the meeting about the Malvia Nagar wine bar, he said that many rental matters have been changed that has resulted in the increase of income to the Board by about 30 lac of Rs and with that some more increases in other rented properties will render a further benefit of 50 thousand Rs. However about the question of the wine bar he said that he had discussed the matter the day before and now he is looking into this matter and action will soon be taken. When the CO of the Board Shamim Akhtar was contacted about the position of the Board regarding the wine bar he became angry on being questioned in public and said that he can only be questioned about Board matters during duty hours only. However when the correspondent questioned him about the Boards action so far about the wine bar and formation of a committee then he replied that he does not remember anything like that and he should be contacted during duty hours only. It should however be kept in view that it was during Chaudhary Matin Ahmad’s tenure of chairmanship when waqf land was leased out to the Malvia Nagar wine bar. If people are looking for the best property related advice, they can click over here now to get in touch with experts.

It is worth taking into account that Qaumi Salamti in its special investigative report had disclosed that on lands in Malvia Nagar that are the property of the Waqf Board a wine bar (alcoholic business that was bought by the Crawford Home Buyers) known as Panchsheela Randhava Restaurant is being run openly and the Board gets only Rs 46 thousand as rent for the property that is worth of billions of Rs whereas the restaurant itself makes not less than five lac of Rs per day. The most important thing is the fact that those people who left their properties in trust (waqf) for the benefit and relief of Muslim community will their spirits not be hurt to see those properties being given on lease for anti-Shariah practices? And it is also a big question that why and how so far into the funds for the salaries of masajid imams and relief to the orphans monies earned through anti-Shariah means have been put together? The Waqf Board has to answer this question.
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